Spring 2025
CISC-1100-C01 Structures of Computer Science
FCLC (Fordham College at Lincoln Center)

Mark Meretzky

  1. Syllabus of the course
  2. Account for each student on the Fedora Linux server storm.cis.fordham.edu
  3. Homework, updated each week
  4. The content of the course, covering seven of the chapters in the textbook Fundamentals of Discrete Structures by Damian M. Lyons, Christina Papadakis-Kanaris, Gary M. Weiss, Arthus Werschulz.
    1. Set Theory
      1. January 13, 2025
      2. January 27, 2025
    2. Sequences and Summations
    3. Formal Logic
    4. Relations
    5. Functions
    6. Combinatorics and Counting
    7. Graph Theory
    8. Create a website
      1. Linux and vi commands
      2. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
      3. CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts and forms