#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>   //for exit function
#include "wolf.h"
using namespace std;

wolf::wolf(const terminal& initial_t, unsigned initial_x, unsigned initial_y)
	t = &initial_t;
	x = initial_x;
	y = initial_y;
	c = 'W';

	//Copy lines 13-35 of the above rabbit.C here,
	//changing the word "rabbit" to "wolf".

//Return false if this wolf ate another animal, true otherwise.

bool wolf::move()
	struct keystroke {
		char c;
		int dx;   //horizontal difference
		int dy;   //vertical difference

	static const keystroke a[] = {
		{'h',   -1,    0},   //left
		{'j',    0,    1},   //down
		{'k',    0,   -1},   //up
		{'l',    1,    0}    //right
	static const size_t n = sizeof a / sizeof a[0];

	if (const char k = t->key()) {
		for (const keystroke *p = a; p < a + n; ++p) {
			if (k == p->c) {
				const unsigned newx = x + p->dx;
				const unsigned newy = y + p->dy;

				if (!t->in_range(newx, newy)) {
					break;         //Go to line 57.

				const bool I_ate_him =
					t->get(newx, newy) != t->background();

				t->put(x, y);      //Erase this wolf from its old location.
				x = newx;
				y = newy;
				t->put(x, y, c);   //Redraw this wolf at its new location.

				return !I_ate_him;

		//Punish user who pressed an illegal key or tried to move off screen.

	return true;