#include <cstdlib>   //for the srand function and EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <ctime>     //for the time function

#include "terminal.h"
#include "wolf.h"
#include "rabbit.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
	const terminal term('.');

	const unsigned xmax = term.xmax();
	const unsigned ymax = term.ymax();

	wolf   w(term,     xmax / 3, ymax / 2);

	rabbit a[] = {
		rabbit(term, xmax * 2 / 3, ymax / 4),
		rabbit(term, xmax * 2 / 3, ymax / 2),
		rabbit(term, xmax * 2 / 3, ymax * 3 / 4),
		rabbit(term, xmax * 2 / 3, ymax * 7 / 8)
	const size_t n = sizeof a / sizeof a[0];

	for (;; term.wait(250)) {   //250 milliseconds equals .25 seconds
		if (!w.move()) {
		for (rabbit *p = a; p < a + n; ++p) {
			if (!p->move()) {
				goto done;

	term.put(0, 0, "You killed the rabbit!");
	term.wait(3000);     //Give user three seconds to read the message.
	return EXIT_SUCCESS; //Destruct rabbit, wolf, & terminal, in that order.